Friday, January 2, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Beautiful love story, backward

Ann Hornaday Movie Review: 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' -

"That tagline, by the way, is 'You never know what's comin' for ya,' a folksy admonition that, by accident or design, is sure to remind viewers of the 'life is a box of chocolates' riff from 'Forrest Gump.' Both films, as it happens, were written by Eric Roth, and at its weakest 'Benjamin Button' hews too closely to Gumpian schmaltz and easy sentiment.

Like the earlier film, this one centers on a Candide-like naif whose travels through the world bring him in contact with all manner of colorful characters, who collectively teach him the important lessons in life."

1 comment:

Calzone Recipes said...

Thaanks for sharing this